Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Road Less Traveled....

Today was probably the day we were most looking forward to....climbing The Great Wall! It is one of the 7 Wonders of the World and it did not disappoint. You can go two different ways....the more crowded, less steep, "easy" path or the less crowded, steeper, more difficult one. Mia, Cat, Deborah and I decided on the latter. The wall is divided by "Watch Towers" which are little gazebo areas, where the guards were posted to watch for the enemy. We made it to four Watch Towers, which let me tell you was no small fete! And in China "less crowded" is definitely a "relative" term. The side we chose was still pretty crowded, however we could see from where we were the more popular path was literally shoulder to shoulder the whole way up and down. So I do think it was worth the extra effort to take the more difficult journey.

I was struck by how many older and less able bodied people than us were climbing the wall too. If I was tired and needed to rest, it never failed that some elderly woman or man with a cane or a limp would come speeding by me and I'd feel like a big Loser!

After yet another Chinese meal for lunch, we went to the Summer Palace (the Emperor and Dowager Epress's) home. It was very beautiful and huge, just like The Forbidden City. Each Dowager Empress (concubine) had her own little pagoda/house and she would reside there just waiting to be called by the Emporer for the pleasure of his company. Doesn't sound like a very exciting life, but a lot of ladies apparently signed up for it quite willingly :).

Tonight we got to see a wonderful acrobatic show. Tomorrow we will go to Tianeman Square to fly kites and to see some local craft making. And tomorrow night is the all night sleeper train ride to Xian. This is something Mia is most excited about. Not sure how I feel about it, but I am trying to see it as an adventure! The cabin sleeps 4, so we'll be with Deborah and Cat.

Off to bed.....We have to have our bags packed in the morning before we leave and I haven't even started on that!
M & m

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