Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Planes....a Train, Automobiles, Vans, Pedicabs...even a Boat!

We made it to Zhanjiang today and it was no easy task. Deborah, Cat, Mia and I took off from the rest of the group, flew from Chengdu via Guangzhou and on to Zhanjiang. The challenge was we were on two different airlines and had to pick up bags in Guangzhou and recheck them. There were 2 hours between flights so we figured we had plenty of time. Well, flight was late and China Southern is in different terminal from China Air! Now I pride myself in being a seasoned traveler and have done a bit of international travel, however with few English speaking people and poorly signed airport, we barely made the connection. Deb's bags were over the weight limit, so that was a hiccup and while checking in, we were literally mobbed by Chinese people trying to cut in front of us. I had to let my assertive/aggressive side come out and just cut right back and fortunately the ticket counter clerk did not let them get their way! The weight limit in country for a bag is 20 kg's and both of mine were right at 19.8 and 19.6, so I lucked out big time!!!! Girls were starving and begging for us to get them food, but we were so afraid of missing flight we didn't dare. We got on plane 5 minutes before it was to take off, then of course it sat there for 30 minutes before pulling away from gate.

After breathing our huge sigh of relief when it finally took off, we had been in the air about 10 minutes (for our 50 minute flight) when they came on and told us twice to be sure and stay seated with seat belts fastened. I figured that wasn't a good sign. Sure enough, we hit probably the worst turbulence I have ever felt on an airplane. Again, I have flown a lot and it takes a pretty rough flight for me to truly be afraid, but I grabbed Deb's leg and took a pretty good hunk out of it! I immediately looked over at Mia and Cat, who were sitting across the aisle and Mia was looking at me to see if things were OK and I just said "that's why they told us to stay seated and keep seat belts on, it's just turbulence"....but I was still seeing the last part of my life flash before my eyes.....Fortunately the bumpy ride was very brief and it was smooth sailing from there.

We arrived in Zhanjiang after 6 airplanes, 1 train, a boat, 3 vans, a pedicab and countless shuttles. Zhanjiang is known as the "pearl of the south" and is a very nice resort town. It was once ruled by France and is the shortest route from China to Europe. The hotel is very nice and apparently hosts very wealthy Chinese businessmen. The rooms are modest, but there are "villas" on the property that are supposedly very upscale. There is a gorgeous Spa and Pool, which has a Hot Springs. We will be here a total of three nights, so I plan to get another massage, but will better communicate my preferred level of pressure this time.

Tomorrow we go to Gaozhou and we will visit each girl's "finding site", which is a nicer way of saying where they were "abandoned". We will also go to the current welfare institute (orphanage) and hopefully get to visit. It is not the one Mia and Cat stayed when they were babies, but I would like Mia to at least see the current one and we will ask for their "files", which they are supposed to keep, but we do not have high hopes they will still have them since they moved. And even if they do, there is no guarantee there will be a lot of information in the file. Sometimes there is a "finding ad" that is posted when a baby is found and if a note was left (which they often are), a copy or the original note is kept in the file. I would be thrilled to have either one of those, but again, I am not getting my hopes up. I am going to ask to drive by the old welfare institute so Mia can look at it and we can get pictures. I honestly don't know if it will mean anything to her, but we will at least see it and maybe in the future it will.

We will also tour the city and look around and just see the sites of Gaozhou. Today was a long day, but it ended well with the girls having a fun time in the pool. It is a little more challenging as not as many people speak English and we only have our guide during the day. Ordering dinner was lots of pointing at our little dictionary and even drawing. It was pretty funny. But the hotel staff is so nice. I have yet to see another white person though! Not normal to feel like the minority, but probably good to know what it's like for Mia :). Until next time.....m & M (Mia saw me signing something else and said "why don't you ever put me first?"

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