Saturday, July 18, 2009

A little over 24 hours.....

I'm just setting this up and hoping I have the opportunity to actually use it while I'm there. We've been told access to the internet is inconsistent.

The last couple of days have been a blur trying to get ready. As usual it's almost the day before and I haven't even begun to pack....(Diana will appreciate that :-D). But I have a lot of it laid out! The house looks like a tornado ripped through it. Tomorrow will be pack/organize day. I've been doing laundry and running errands and finishing up work stuff all day. Dogs to the vet tomorrow, Cupcake (hamster) to Dory's tomorrow. Oh, we had a semi-emergency tonight with her. We got home late and Mia came out of her bedroom crying, "she got out, Mommy, she climbed up and pushed up her lid and she's GONE!!!!". I knew exactly what and who she meant. I said "well, don't panic" (but inside I was terrified we were going to find a little hamster carcass somewhere). Even though we keep Mia's door closed I figured Cupcake could have escaped underneath and she would've been a good snack or play thing for our other pets. But she was safe and sound sitting over by the window. Crisis averted! We put her back in her cage and piled a couple of heavy items on top.

Tomorrow will be packing, organizing paperwork, passports, cash, etc. I've read the massive amounts of reading material and directions they've sent and hopefully I have everything covered. I keep telling myself it's like when I went on the adoption trip...China isn't another planet, it's just another country. As long as we have our passport, visa's, etc....if we forget anything else, we can get it there.

This trip does feel a whole lot less stressful and a lot more fun that THAT trip! I'm really looking forward to it!!!! More to come.......M & m

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