Sunday, July 19, 2009

All our bags are packs....not quite ready to go....

It's about 10:15 p.m. and we're pretty well packed. Cab is coming at 4 a.m. Mia is actually asleep. She reeeaaaaally wanted to stay up all night and I reeeeaaaaallly told her "not gonna happen". We'll still be zombies in the morning, but hopefully that will mean we can snooze our way to Bejing on the 13 1/2 hour flight over. It's off to Chicago in the morning, then a nice 4 hour layover there, then we pull out at almost 1 p.m. We arrive Bejing time at 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon, which I believe is roughly that time AM in Tulsa. We then go to our first banquet at 6 p.m. and meet the rest of our group. Many people went a day or two early, but I didn't want to take any more time off than I had to, and knew I'd need the weekend to pack, organize, etc. So.....I think we're ready.

Mia is SUPER excited! She has been very hyped up all weekend and keeps saying "I love you, Mommy", which is her way telling me "thank you" and she's excited. It's starting to hit me that this is going to be exciting and emotional all at the same time. Being at one of the same hotels when I met her over 10 years ago, seeing her "hometown" for the first time....will bring up a lot of emotions. I said to her today, "you know I may get emotional at times on this trip?" and she just said "yeah, I know". I've kinda put my feelings on a shelf about it, but making copies of all her adoption paperwork (which they asked us to do for the orphanage visit) stirred everything up for me. Anyway......this is definitely a much less stressful trip and I can't wait to see so much of China I missed on the first trip! Hopefully I'll get to post pictures along the way......M & m

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